Thursday, October 7, 2010

Looking For Repetition

The painting "Yellow Ripples" by Kazuya Akimoto uses repetition very well and the different sizes and color arrangements of the shapes gives the illusion they are closer or farther away.

Aline Cautis uses repetition of curved lines creating a painting that provides the experience of as you are looking through a kaleidoscope in her painting "You Cross the Sea of Night"

Jen Kempenaers's "Beyond the Picturesque" has few color shifts and has only one true object making it the center of focus. Since there are no other subjects in the picture the picture makes your mind create questions about why the artist did this and what did she mean
Beyond the Picturesque

Henry Pierre Schultz has created this from taking a indoor pool with the only lighting being the lights in the pool and the light from the moon shining down through the skylights. The dark lighting plays with the viewers eyes and creates wonder and pulls you in. Since private indoor pools don't really need any furniture the room has no furniture in it you are forced to focus on the patterns and colors that the light is creating.
Night Swimming

Post Minimalism
Robert Irwin has created a piece that is extremely simple to me what makes it art is the shadows that are created.
Post Minimalism(Robert Irwin)

Richard Dean Tuttle has used this piece which is so simple it has puzzled me and I cannot decide anything about it except its color.
Post Minimalism (Richard Dean Tuttle)


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