Monday, December 13, 2010


Hybrid/logo painted on T-shirt

Hybrid Stencils

I use my iPod everyday and it is something I love and the reason I believe my iPod is greater than any other mp3 player I could have is that the touch-wheel is spectacular. I integrated the signature touch wheel of an ipod into the photo of the object I had selected which created the my hybrid.The explanation for the placement of the hybrid on the T-shirt was a suggestion by PJ because it appeared as though it was indicating the direction of where the head is located.  It also is similar to the above the influence drug commercials targeted at high school age teenagers.  The direction of the hybrid is also eye-catching.  Although the play/pause signal from the iPod touch wheel was not in the traditional relation to the center selection button it created a more abstract appearance of the hybrid; which makes the viewer pause to try and solve what two objects were combined to create the hybrid.

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